Kowa 65mm f/0.75 (For sale)

Company Kowa
Country Japan
Year of manufacture 1970s
Type X-ray ultra fast
Focal length 65mm
Aperture f/0.75

Note: The images here are taken with a modified back lens group. The back lens group is the back lens group of an Astro-Kino-Color IV 85mm f/1.6. I’m not sure what the new f-stop is.

For sale

Asking price: 200 USD
International shipping: approx. 30-35 USD
Payment option: PayPal

Condition: Optics clean, but missing last back group. Not a complete lens. Natively have L39/M39 mount, but no focus.

I don’t have any official payment method or store, but if you’re interested in buying or trading you can email me at espen.susort@gmail.com.